4DBloc, from SIXENSE

4DBloc is a GNSS-based sensor that provides real-time monitoring of ground surfaces and built structures.

4DBloc was developed and tested in cooperation with the French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN) with the shared aim of creating a GNSS-based position measurement system that is robust, simple, cost-effective and accurate.

4DBloc, the accurate, robust and economical GNSS deformation sensor

Requiring no calibration or special maintenance, 4DBloc is a very simple sensor, and unlike other sensors in this family requires no regular maintenance.
It also consumes very little energy, and can be powered by a single solar panel installed at the same time.
It is the ideal instrument for the long-term monitoring of locations where access is challenging. 4DBloc data is processed by a dedicated, unique and fully automated algorithm to deliver a level of accuracy within a few millimetres, depending on circumstances and location.

Read more: https://www.sixense-group.com/en/offer/monitoring/soil-structural-and-environmental-measurement/4dbloc


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Telefon: (+4) 0758 015 833
E-mail: office@apmgs.ro, presedinte@apmgs.ro

Structural Health Monitoring

Un mediu construit de încredere și durabil este cheia siguranței și sănătății umane