Materiale video

Italian NG Webinar: Podul San Michele peste râul Adda

Stări critice de deteriorare și cauzele acestora, întreținerea structurilor existente și aplicarea acestora la podul San Michele peste râul Adda

mageba Webinar – PDH Course on Structural Health Monitoring

Infrastructura de pe întreg teritoriul Statelor Unite necesită investiții și eforturi semnificative pentru a o aduce la nivelul cerut de o societate modernă.

ICOLD Course - Fundamental Tailings Dam Safety Part 3: Hydrotechnical Design & Water Management

This is the second video in a series of presentations from a short course in Fundamental Tailings Dam Safety hosted by SwedCOLD during the ICOLD Annual Meeting in Gothenburg in June 2023. In this video, ICOLD member David Brett talks about hydrotechnical design and water management of tailings facilities.

AEM Webinar: Dam Safety Risk Reduction

This presentation and educational discussion by experts from our Dam Safety Early Warning Systems program discuss types of remote monitoring and sensing, cameras to verify conditions, as well as emerging technologies.

Advanced Surveillance Techniques for Dam Inspection and Monitoring

An overview of various forms of state-of-the-art advanced surveillance technologies followed by case studies to demonstrate some practical applications. Presented by Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation and the Canadian Dam Association.


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Structural Health Monitoring

Un mediu construit de încredere și durabil este cheia siguranței și sănătății umane