

Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring and Condition Monitoring

Structural control and health monitoring as condition monitoring are some essential areas that allow for different system parameters to be designed, supervised, controlled, and evaluated during the system’s operation in different processes, such as those used in machinery, structures, and different physical variables in mechanical, chemical, electrical, aeronautical, civil, electronics, mechatronics, and agricultural engineering applications, among others.


Consideratii teoretice privind determinarea deplasarilor si deformatiilor constructiilor hidrotehnice prin metode geodezice

Certitudinea exploatarii in siguranta a constructiilor hidrotehnice poate fi obtinuta printr-o urmarire sistematica in timp a deplasarilor si deformatiilor acestora sau a elementelor componente ale constructiei. Analiza deplasarilor si deformatiilor are ca scop furnizarea informatiilor privind starea de stabilitate a constructiei, sau, din contra, modificarile aparute asupra obiectivului de urmarit.


Underwater Inspection: When, Why, and How

Some of the most important foundation elements of a bridge are its least visible – the abutments, piers, piles, and footings submerged under the waterline. Regular inspection, both above and below the waterline, helps to keep aging structures solid and stable.


What are the current trends and innovations in structural damage monitoring and sensing technologies?

Structural damage monitoring and sensing technologies are essential tools for ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of civil, mechanical, and aerospace structures. They can help detect, locate, quantify, and classify damage, as well as assess its impact on the structural behavior and functionality. In this article, you will learn about some of the current trends and innovations in this field, and how they can benefit various applications and industries.

Perspectives on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring for Resilient Natural and Built Environment

Masa rotundă "Rolul monitorizării geotehnice și structurale pentru reziliența teritoriului și lucrări majore: stadiul tehnicii și perspective de viitor" a avut loc miercuri, 3 mai 2023, la ora 08.45 în Aula magna a Rectoratului Universitatii Sapienza din Roma.


SIXENSE: Monitorizarea constructiilor trebuie sa fie prioritara in caietele de sarcini

Infrastructura Romaniei, atat poduri sau autostrazi, tunele, baraje, cat si stadioane sau alte constructii de utilizare intensiva prezinta riscuri complexe din punct de vedere al sigurantei. Acestea reprezinta active critice pentru functionarea normala a unei comunitati, motiv pentru care monitorizarea structurala si geotehnica prin solutii digitale (adica cea care presupune automatizare si urmarire in timp real) isi arata cel mai bine valoarea, deoarece in aceste sectoare este nevoie de preventie, reactii imediate si actiuni la secunda. 

Noi alunecări de teren masive pe DN 17B, la Holda. În zonă se lucra deja pentru consolidarea versantului

Direcția Regională de Drumuri și Poduri Iași a transmis că în această dimineață s-a produs o alunecare de teren care s-a manifestat prin căderi importante de pietre și material aluvionar de pe versant. Alunecare de teren pe DN 17 B, cu căderi importante de pietre de pe versant


CTDS: Urmeaza o perioada foarte aglomerata pentru dirigintii de santier

Planul National de Redresare si Rezilienta (PNRR) va aduce pe piata de constructii foarte multe investitii publice, context in care va fi nevoie de un numar mai mare de diriginti de santier. Aceasta nevoie se va simti mai ales incepand din partea a doua a anului 2023, atunci cand proiectele realizate vor ajunge in faza de executie, potrivit ing. Cezar Petre, presedintele Colegiului Tehnic al Dirigintilor de Santier (CTDS). Specialistul estimeaza ca perioada anilor 2023-2025 va fi foarte aglomerata pentru dirigintii de santier care inteleg ca sectorul public este un sector important si cu valori ridicate.


The Pivotal Role of Structural Health Monitoring in Addressing Warranty Issues and Sustainability

 Structural health monitoring (SHM) plays an increasingly important role in the construction industry. It not only ensures the safety and sustainability of buildings but also provides valuable insights into warranty issues and contributes to sustainability for both clients and construction companies. In this article, we explore 9 key areas where SHM can make a difference.

Geo-PIT 2023: Ken Hudnut: Intersections: A Strategy for Increasing Seismic Infrastructure Resilience

Ken Hudnut of Southern California Edison entered the GEO-PIT on March 29, 2023 at Geo-Congress 2023 in Los Angeles, CA. His talk was titled "Intersections: A Strategy for Increasing Seismic Infrastructure Resilience."


Railway engineering projects: the importance of asset information

Railway engineering projects are complex undertakings and require accurate and reliable information on the railway corridor to underpin design, planning and construction activities. Available information on corridor assets is often outdated or only available in systems that are hard to access. Often existing network asset information is not suited to the project scope and new information datasets must be acquired through expensive on-site surveys.


Infrastructure week highlight: Structural Health Monitoring key

Given the aging condition of much of the nation’s navigation infrastructure, managers need accurate and real-time information on the conditions of such structures as locks, dams and bridges operating well beyond their expected design lives.


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Structural Health Monitoring

Un mediu construit de încredere și durabil este cheia siguranței și sănătății umane